रविवार, 22 जनवरी 2012

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

If you are in Singapore and love to go in nature , then Sungei Buloh reserve is certainly one of the  places you must not miss. Yesterday, i got opportunity to visit this nature reserve.

The place is covered with mangrove patches and muddy tidal ponds.
This is place for souls eager to breathe some fresher air and enjoy some time in solitude.
Reserve is close to Kranji MRT station. From train station,you can take bus No.925 to reach entrance of this reserve.
Name Sungei Buloh is derived from two words: Sungei means river ,Buloh means Bamboo.
May be,they named this place for dense bamboo jungle in this area but now bamboo jungle is long gone.
I didn't find any bamboos inside reserve except few at the entrance.
Mangroves, birds,variety of fishes and freely wandering monitor lizards can captivate you and promise a quality time spend in nature.
Sharing some pics from this reserve.

Mangroves :

Big monitor lizard is prominent creature in this nature reserve.

Nothing is more precious ,more fulfilling than spending time in solitude.Doing nothing ,just observing nature.
True, effortless meditation!

Observation decks and shades make your trip in nature comfortable and allow you to sit in solitude for hours.Visitors are very sparse and this adds to the beauty of this place.

 Variety of  aquatic life thrives in these wet lands. Place attracts a lot of migratory birds as well.

रविवार, 8 जनवरी 2012

The caged birds

This is wonderful morning today. I got up with pleasant breeze blowing though my window.
Sky is covered with thick clouds and sproadic downpour is making this morning a perferct day to rest and recharge battries for week ahead.

Unusual human noise and bird chatter attracts my attention. Below across the road , i see a huge gathering surrounding local community club.
Local club has organised bird singing competition.Bird lovers from all over singapore have gathered to showcase their bird's singing talent and to grab big prizes.

It's bird singing competion and i am curious to know how caged birds sing?Can such delicate souls whom very essence of life is freedom , freedom to fly ,freedom to navigate horizons, is snatched,
 can such tortured creatures really sing?
 From a distance i observe those caged helpless souls. Gifted wings are bruised,damaged.Beaks are blunt and dull. Despair eyes have dried and have lost hope of freedom.

Oh Man , don't be so insane,don't be so stupid.I can understand your greed , your selfishness to keep these souls captive.
But what gives you authority to call their despair cry  'singing'?
 What gives you courage to call this brutality 'singing'?
 Your self inflicted boredom , lonliness  have overflown and have swallowed these beautiful creations . Your greed and misconception of being master, have ruined these lives.

Let these nice creatures show their natural talent . Free them and enjoy their flight.
True happiness lies in freedom.Their freedom may give you freedom from your own injuries,freedom from your boredom,freedom from your sorrow.
Let sanity prevail...

लास्ट एटेम्पट

एक वो पालतू कुत्ता होता है न , जो मालिक के हाथ में जंजीर होने तक पूरी दुनिया पर भौकता है और जंजीर खोल देने पर दुम  दबा के  घर में घुस जाता ह...